Should I Print My Wedding Photos?
The great debate continues. Just kidding, this isn’t a debate at all. As an Orlando Wedding Photographer, I have to say that you should absolutely print your wedding photos. The old saying about what happens if your house is on fire, what do you grab first? You grab your wedding and family photos. As cheesy as the saying is, it’s true for a reason. Do this for me. Grab your favorite beverage, whether it be a fine glass of red wine, a pbr, or some apple juice. Now walk around your home, which is your favorite room? What room do you feel the most love in? Sit in your favorite chair and look around you. Imagine a portrait of your family hanging on the wall, what emotion does that bring? You’re smiling, aren’t you? I know you are.
Just a couple of days sgo, I delivered our Story Box album to a client for her maternity session. The joy and emotion that she displayed was amazing to see and as a photographer, worth all of the work and love we put into the wedding day or session. For my wife and I, we also printed our photos in the Story Box heirloom and get to see them every day, we love those photos. There is something wonderful about having and being able to hold these memories…and cry all over them. lol.
Let me ask you a question. How often do you go back and look at photos from major events in your life? I’m going to guess not often because they are on a flash drive somewhere or on Facebook and you only see them once a year because Facebook reminds you. This. Will. Change. Everything.
You get to see your loved ones whenever you want! Framed custom art of you and yours on your wall for everyone to enjoy, ask questions about, reminisce, and so much more. I apologize if I get carried away trying to persuade for this argument, but I’m all in on it. I believe it’s for everyone to enjoy. Our digital world is only going to become more digitized so these memories deserve a place, not only in our hearts but in our homes as well.