My dad turned 65 in February and he wanted a party of some sort. My sister got to planning and I was along for the ride. We did research, gathered a ton of information, and googled countless nights away. It was a fun being able to spend time with my sis and plan this out.
We decided on getting a ton of chicken parm from an amazing Italian restaurant along with baked ziti and some salad options. There was enough food to feed an entire college campus for at least 2 years. There was friends and family there along with an amazing saxaphonist who kept the party going (Lawvawn, Seriously though, he played sax, piano, had an amazing voice, and has an awesome personality. We also hired Media Memories to capture video of "The Music Hour" that my dad wanted to have (Pops is an amazing pianist). Seriously though, you should listen to him on the keys.
The day was set, back in the end of February, on Sunday at 4pm and it was perfect weather out. I wish the party was outside because the lighting was perfect and I was kind of geeking out about it. He's popular so about 50-60 people showed up, all friends and family. There was an amazing turnout and the environment was something out of a movie with everyone enjoying themselves. One thing I'd like to bring up is the cake...Most cakes would read "Happy Birthday" or "Happy 65th Birthday." We put "Happy Birthday and shit!" on his cake because...well, family jokes. What family jokes do you have?
I'd like to thank everyone who helped out, played some music, and attended this party. You all mean a lot to us and ya'll are awesome and shit.
Happy Birthday Dad. Here are some Teaser photos.