engagement photographer

What to wear for your engagement session? Here are some tips!

How exciting is this!?

You’re engaged and finally getting ready for your engagement session! The daunting question comes up, what do we wear!? Don’t worry, we got your back so you look great for your photos. The best tip we can give is make sure you be you..the very best version of you, then, you can get creative.

Fellas, solid colors work really well and you can never go wrong with khakis and a polo. You can always add some color like Vince did, btw, loved the pink. Feel free to add some fun touches that include a watch or small jewelry. We recommend nothing to crazy so it doesn’t take away from you. Your face is your money maker!

You can also dress up a little more like Brendan did. The good thing is that there are no wrong answers. Robert and Sean rocked the short sleeve button up, which is my go to since we live in Florida and the weather is unforgivable. Can I get an Amen! lol.

Robert + Sean

Robert + Sean

Ladies, we recommend something that you’re comfortable in and that you love how you look. Start with a base, solid colors always work well, like what Erika is wearing, then you can add layers on top. Feeling a new jacket you bought? Throw it on! Rock them earrings you love!

  • Darker colors are more slimming on camera

  • Try to stick to vertical stripes, avoid horizontal

  • Find complimentary colors that work with your partner. You don’t need to match, just compliment each other :)

  • Rock an outfit that fits your body type. Baggy or boxy clothing doesn’t really flatter

  • Don’t procrastinate! Find your outfits a couple of days beforehand so you can relax and know you’re all ready for your session

  • Be sure to express yourselves as a couple

  • Bold colors are ok!

  • Check out Save The Date cards and we can keep that in mind when photographing.

Erika + Samuel

Erika + Samuel

Vince + Sarah

Vince + Sarah

Brendan + Shauna

Brendan + Shauna

This session is about love and enjoying your time with your significant other. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. Whatever you decide to wear, we know you’ll have a great time and you’ll look great!

Julie + Tom

Julie + Tom

Why do we recommend engagement sessions?

Great Question!

Ever After Farms Engagement

Ever After Farms Engagement

First off, Congratulations on your engagement! It’s such an exciting time and keep in mind that this will only help your wedding day be epic! Now that you’re engaged, what’s the next step!? I remember when I got engaged… even as a wedding photographer, I was like “damn, not really sure where to go from here, lol.” Luckily, my wife is really amazing at planning. This is a question I get a lot from couples that recently got engaged. The engagement session is the PERFECT next step and there are a couple of main reasons why we always recommend having one. But first…What is an engagement session?

Your engagement session is all apart of the Sonacity experience. This will most likely be the first time you get photographed professionally as a couple, you get to document this remarkable part of your relationship with your best friend. Plus, it will most likely be the only time your fiancé says yes to doing this, so take advantage…unless they’re a photographer or model, because then you might have to do it all the time. Haha

Check out these tips as to why an Engagement Session is the perfect next step on the road to your big day!

1) You can be uniquely you as a couple!

This is YOUR personal session to be as you as you want to be. I’ve heard too often “Oh, we should have done something that was more “us.”” This is that chance! We send out a questionnaire to find out a bit more about your relationship. From that and our meet up or phone conversations, we can decide what the best type of engagement session for you. For example, the most requested location is the park, but if you’re not outdoorsy…(please mention that you’re both chefs)…we can absolutely have the session at your home while cooking and make it really fun! How could you not have fun cooking and eating. P.S. I have not done a session like this so, hit me up if you like this idea! Your engagement session is quality time you get to spend with your best friend, enjoy it!

2) This is the perfect opportunity to build a relationship and trust with us, your photographer :)

Being able to photograph you both as a couple before the wedding builds on this relationship. It especially eases your mind to see that we know what we’re doing. During your session, we are taking mental notes on what angles look good, which side of your face you favorite (fun fact: it’s the side you turn your face to take a selfie…try it!), and ten thousand other things you don’t need to worry about. We’ll do a mix of posed shots along with candids to get a great blend of images for your session and we absolutely help with the posing. During your engagement session, we’ll chat about more than your big day. I believe having open conversations leads to common ground and creating a great partnership. You can always feel free to tell us things you do and do not like.

3) Get used to having a camera in front of your face - make it easier on wedding day

South Florida Engagement

South Florida Engagement

It’s a weird feeling having someone follow you around all day that isn’t your puppy, I totally get it. Having this session, allows you to get used to this idea. We’re going to be best friends on wedding day!

4) Images for your wedding day

Imagine walking into your reception room and seeing your beautiful engagement photos as a guestbook, or framed on the table. It’s ok, you can smile and kiss your fiancé now. It is super cute. <3

And since you’re already dressed up and feeling good…make it a date night!

Dickson Azalea Engagement

Dickson Azalea Engagement

Aww, I do Look Like That

Engagement and Couple Sessions

As a photographer, I am part of hundreds of groups on Facebook. I get to see beautiful photos of love and gorgeous places all day. It's a wonderful and fulfilling career, but I do see a lot of the same sessions. Engagement sessions are mostly the same. You either head to a beautiful location or stay at home and enjoy your session in the comfort of your own home. Now, don't get me wrong, I also love these because you get gorgeous images and it's fun! These two types of sessions are extremely popular but I always like switching things up a bit. 

Michelle and I came up with a cool theme to do for their session. This is the beginning.

Michelle and I came up with a cool theme to do for their session. This is the beginning.

Love &lt;3

Love <3

I posted on a forum asking who would be interested in a Family Session. Michelle responded and we sort of switched up the idea from a typical family session to this. The idea was to draw what your partner's face looks like when they are in that state of emotion. For the photo on the right, Michelle drew what Dan's face looks like when he is head over heels with her. The kissy face emoji, ladies and gentlemen. 

The heart eyes that Dan made...absolutely perfect.

The heart eyes that Dan made...absolutely perfect.

It was an absolutely Florida kind of day, which means that there was a ton of humidity and a light drizzle. That didn't stop these champs from doing an awesome job at their session. I mean c'mon, how cute!

Orlando Photographer | Couple's Session | Dog

Towards the end of the hour that we were there, we grabbed a special someone to get in front of the camera as well. Jax is awwweeesome and in the end, I definitely was able to get an awesome family photo <3

15 Things You Didn't Know About Me


Hey everyone! I hope you all are having an awesome day. I just wanted to post this About Me blog so you get a chance to know me a little better. For more about me, check out http://www.sonacityphotography.com/thephotog/. Without further adieu...Here's a list.

1. I never got a referral in school and only got detention once! I was bad, I just never got caught :P

2. I used to rap and produce music all the time. I even got the opportunity to open up for Afroman with my group "The Out Crowd"

3. I'm a classically trained pianist

About Me | London

4. I'm addicted to traveling, I've been to Puerto Rico, Israel, Mexico, Amsterdam, Switzerland, England, Vienna and can't wait to visit more places

5. My girlfriend and I have a pet hedgehog named Wanheda. I love her sooo much :D

6. Basketball is my favorite sport. Unfortunately, the Magic aren't doing so well

7. Whiskey is my drink of choice but I also enjoy craft beer

Lemus has an amazing style and there are always hidden meanings in his work

Lemus has an amazing style and there are always hidden meanings in his work

8. I'm addicted to collecting art (I love local artists). Check out Lemus https://www.facebook.com/germanlemusart/ 

9. Models that have hair ties on their wrist while photographing is a huge pet peeve (Don't worry, I'll let you know) | People driving 10mph under the speed limit in the left lane is also a huge pet peeve | I also despise pickles. lol

10. Penguins are my favorite animal 

11. Green was my favorite color growing up but now it's purple

12. My girlfriend is a trained opera singer and yes, I've recorded her for a rap/country song :)

13. I love themes...Bars, Parties, Weddings. In college, I would throw themed parties which actually resulted in a couple of people dating long term and soon they'll be getting married!!! :D

Me and my love getting our archery on for Valentine's Day

Me and my love getting our archery on for Valentine's Day

14. I teach myself a lot | I wish I knew more about astronomy

15. The people in my life mean everything to me


What are some of your favorite things to do? What music do you like? Let us know a little bit about you in the comment section below :) 

Preparing For Your Session | Part 1 'The Client'

You're gonna look great! 

There are many different kinds of sessions that photographer's offer. The first thing you should do is understand what kind of session you are having, don't worry, most of the session names are pretty straight forward. This allows you to get into the right mindset and distinguish the different variables that set your session apart from the others. For example, if you are meeting with the photographer for an engagement session, you want to look beautiful and in love. A lot of the time, you won't be posing in an engagement session looking like you're about to go to a Halloween party. However, if that is how the two of you met, by all means, I think that would be an awesome session and I would love to photograph it! If you're preparing for an editorial session, you'll want to check out different magazines and I don't have to remind you how wonderful Pinterest for ideas. Just be aware that the photographer is also an artist, and while getting creative ideas, will most likely not want to copy the exact photo that you have. Here are some more words and pictures!

Whoops! :P

Whoops! :P


There is a laundry list of items you could think about to get ready for your session, but the best thing to do is keep it simple

1. Be you and be comfortable. Being yourselves will overall get you the best photos! The clothes that you wear should reflect your personalities and how you see yourselves :) They should also be clothes that you can move around in, play in, and work your body into different poses. Don't be boring like a plain white shirt with khakis, but venture to find your clothing spirit animal, just keep it in the same color family so it's not chaos.

Don't have one of those moments like when you look back at your high school yearbook and think "What was I doing!?" We've all been there. 


2. Now, I always carry certain props with me but that's because I feel they bring a certain energy to an image. It's like putting italics on a word :P 

Now, we don't know if the baby is a boy or girl yet so they chose Daphne and Myles as names

Now, we don't know if the baby is a boy or girl yet so they chose Daphne and Myles as names

I do ask my clients to bring items with them that they like. ^^^ Amber and Jimmy brought baby blocks to spell out their baby's name. #SoCute

3.  Most likely the photographer will have a great location set out for your already, but if you have a special place that you'd like your session to be, let them know! We love going to places that make you happy, it makes for better images!

4. Think about how you'd like to display the images you've taken! The products Sonacity Photography offers range from small prints, to albums, to large prints on metal! How big do you want that canvas of your family to be? Would you like to be able to see all the photos in an album? Remember, these moments become family heirlooms that will be treasured by your children and grandchildren. So be sure to make ridiculous faces and stick your tongue out at them. 

5. Trust your photographer :) -Thanks, Carlos Romero!

What are you thoughts? How do you get ready?

If you have any questions or feel I've left something out, feel free to contact me! The inquiry page is really close by :)