central florida photographer

Building on 2017

2017 was quite a year. We've seen many changes, triumphs, reached goals, empowerment, and much more. We've also seen a lot of failures. These failures don't have to be seen as a negative. Use these failures to grow, learn, and be better at your craft, your relationships, or whatever it is you need to do. 

palm beach birth photographer

2017 brought new challenges and experiences. I witnessed and photographed my first birth! Seriously, an amazing experience! Absolutely beautiful and I'm honored to have been able to witness such a miracle. Congratulations to the Busa family <3

Tampa Wedding Photographer

2017 gave me the opportunity to photograph numerous weddings. I adore weddings and being able to photograph them and capture the joy and happiness is truly a blessing. 

2017, like every year, was a year of learning and growth. I started working with a good friend and fellow photographer, Andres. We've set up a team of talented individuals to work together on projects that will be brought to you throughout the year. 

2018. This will be a year of hustle, dedication, goals, work, play, excitement, learning, and drive. I'm thrilled to be working with such great people this coming year. I have amazing clients and friends that believe in me and that is enough to drive me to bring you the best, and it will only get better. 


Cheers to new relationships, building on established ones, accomplishing our goals, and to 2018.

What are some goals that you would like to accomplish this year? 

Orlando Event Photographer

Are you stress free about your wedding day?

Awesome Wedding Intro!

Awesome Wedding Intro!

Ladies and gentlemen, if I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. YOUR WEDDING DAY IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN! Will it be hectic, hell yeah. and you should be ready for that. Prepare. Take some yoga and relaxation classes. Get your pilates on. Should it be stressful? Hell no. You know how people get these gorgeous, smiling photographs on the craziest and most hectic day of their lives? Besides downing a bottle or so of wine, half a bottle of whiskey, a pack of Yuengling, and taking a Xanax bar or two, they remember they get to spend the rest of their life with the person they love. You've spent months and/or years planning this day to be perfect, but the honest truth is that who knows how the weather will turn out, how traffic will be...damn you I4, or what will happen that is out of your control. You can only control how you perceive the day. Fact, you will be surrounded by people you love, people who you admire and who admire you. People who want the best for you and want you to be happy. These are the truths that make your wedding day stress free and wonderful. Have fun with your friends, soon, you'll be marrying your best one!  

Who else would you be able to do fun stuff like this with? Your best friend ;)

Who else would you be able to do fun stuff like this with? Your best friend ;)

What's the most important aspect on your wedding day?

When I first get a chance to speak with a potential client, I let them know that time is the most important aspect of their wedding day. They are a close second though :P The entire wedding is jam packed with people you haven't seen in a while and small events that need attending to. Events like getting ready, the first look, the ceremony, the reception, all extremely important. Lucky for you, you can spend eternity kissing the bride, but on the big day, you only have a minute. That's why you hire Sonacity to photograph it. :) 


Each of these little events, as wonderful as they are, take time...and it's always longer than you expect. I was talking to a friend of mine (Hi Kare!) who is getting married in the upcoming months, and she brought to me the idea of "cushion time." This concept allows for you or your planner, who will undoubtedly thank you if you do this, extra time for those just in case moments. Sometimes weather goes crazy and all my Florida people know that. Other times, people might be late, or you just might want an extra minute because you're hungover. Whatever the reason, cushion time is there to be your best friend. You don't have to worry about a thing. Your wedding day is exactly that, YOUR wedding day. You should be the happiest you've ever been. You are marrying the love of your life and all is good. So ladies and gentlemen, keep in mind "cushion time." <3

Keisha Leigh and Marc Zappia Wedding

Tats, Sarcasm, humor, and Elvis. This wedding couldn't have been any cooler. I got a chance to hang with the groomsmen a bit before the ceremony started, they were a trip. They all were laughing, joking around, and having a couple beers, just enjoying the day. I got some shots of them hanging out as well as their individual portraits then I headed inside to grab some details.

The venue was The Crystal Ballroom in Vernanda Park and the setting was beautiful. Floral table covers, lit candles, and perfectly arranged decorations made the place look fantastic. Silvana was the head of the operation and planned it to the T. Everything ran smoothly, with the exception of a few minor inconveniences that only the world would throw at you on your wedding day. Other than that, smooth sailing.

The ceremony was live! Elvis (orlandoelvis.com) brought fun and dancing into the wedding world. Hands were in the air like they just didn't care, people were laughing, and obviously the camera phones were out capturing every moment. I even caught myself dancing a little bit but I'm mildly uncoordinated so don't tell anyone. 

After the ceremony, there was a cocktail hour and I used some of that time to get some photos of the bridal party and the family. Everyone got portraits with the bride and groom...and Elvis. Then they enjoyed the rest of the cocktail hour hanging out while the dining hall was getting ready. The parties came in dancing to the music of their choice and everyone sat down to listen to some speeches...eager to eat. 

Chicken parm was served in a buffet style for the hosts, their guests, and the amazing vendors. Yes, yes it was delicious. I enjoyed my dinner (#feedyourphotogrpaher), and spent a little more time getting some dancing photos, some beautiful and some embarrassing. We all know the embarrassing ones are the best. The cake was layered and looked really good, two birds holding wings on the top which I thought was really creative and unique. Marc and Keisha had a little trouble cutting into the cake but together, with the force of love, finally got a piece out.

My time was coming to an end so I took a bunch of shots of the bride and groom dancing, the children, and the guests. It was one of the coolest weddings I've been able to photograph and I hope there are more weddings this unique in my future. 

Congratulations Marc and Keisha!

A War Amongst The Stars

Over the course of the last couple of months, I was putting together a star wars photo shoot. There's a considerable amount of work that goes into putting one of the photography meetups together. I'm glad I had some help though or it wouldn't have been as fun as it was. Thanks to those who helped out! 

We ended up deciding to go to Daytona Beach and shoot at the pier. The creativity that these photographers and models possess is unbelievable. A lot of photos have been shared and they are all awesome. Here are a couple of my favorite that I took. 

I appreciate everyone that came out and I hope everyone had a great time!

Until next time, may the force be with you.